Source code for vformer.models.classification.cross

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from einops import repeat

from ...common import BaseClassificationModel
from ...decoder import MLPDecoder
from ...encoder import CrossEncoder, LinearEmbedding
from ...utils import MODEL_REGISTRY

class _cross_p(BaseClassificationModel):
    def __init__(
        super().__init__(img_size, patch_size, in_channels)

        self.patch_embedding = LinearEmbedding(
            latent_dim, self.patch_height, self.patch_width, self.patch_dim

        self.pos_embedding = nn.Parameter(
            torch.randn(1, self.num_patches + 1, latent_dim)
        self.cls_token = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, 1, latent_dim))
        self.embedding_dropout = nn.Dropout(p_dropout_embedding)

    def forward(self, x):

        x = self.patch_embedding(x)
        b, n, _ = x.shape

        cls_tokens = repeat(self.cls_token, "() n d -> b n d", b=b)
        x =, x), dim=1)
        x += self.pos_embedding[:, : (n + 1)]
        x = self.embedding_dropout(x)

        return x

[docs]@MODEL_REGISTRY.register() class CrossViT(BaseClassificationModel): """ Implementation of 'CrossViT: Cross-Attention Multi-Scale Vision Transformer for Image Classification' Parameters ---------- img_size: int Size of the image patch_size_s: int Size of the smaller patches patch_size_l: int Size of the larger patches n_classes: int Number of classes for classification cross_dim_head_s: int Dimension of the head of the cross-attention for the smaller patches cross_dim_head_l: int Dimension of the head of the cross-attention for the larger patches latent_dim_s: int Dimension of the hidden layer for the smaller patches latent_dim_l: int Dimension of the hidden layer for the larger patches head_dim_s: int Dimension of the head of the attention for the smaller patches head_dim_l: int Dimension of the head of the attention for the larger patches depth_s: int Number of attention layers in encoder for the smaller patches depth_l: int Number of attention layers in encoder for the larger patches attn_heads_s: int Number of attention heads for the smaller patches attn_heads_l: int Number of attention heads for the larger patches cross_head_s: int Number of CrossAttention heads for the smaller patches cross_head_l: int Number of CrossAttention heads for the larger patches encoder_mlp_dim_s: int Dimension of hidden layer in the encoder for the smaller patches encoder_mlp_dim_l: int Dimension of hidden layer in the encoder for the larger patches in_channels: int Number of input channels decoder_config_s: int or tuple or list, optional Configuration of the decoder for the smaller patches decoder_config_l: int or tuple or list, optional Configuration of the decoder for the larger patches pool_s: {"cls","mean"} Feature pooling type for the smaller patches pool_l: {"cls","mean"} Feature pooling type for the larger patches p_dropout_encoder_s: float Dropout probability in the encoder for the smaller patches p_dropout_encoder_l: float Dropout probability in the encoder for the larger patches p_dropout_embedding_s: float Dropout probability in the embedding layer for the smaller patches p_dropout_embedding_l: float Dropout probability in the embedding layer for the larger patches """ def __init__( self, img_size, patch_size_s, patch_size_l, n_classes, cross_dim_head_s=64, cross_dim_head_l=64, latent_dim_s=1024, latent_dim_l=1024, head_dim_s=64, head_dim_l=64, depth_s=6, depth_l=6, attn_heads_s=16, attn_heads_l=16, cross_head_s=8, cross_head_l=8, encoder_mlp_dim_s=2048, encoder_mlp_dim_l=2048, in_channels=3, decoder_config_s=None, decoder_config_l=None, pool_s="cls", pool_l="cls", p_dropout_encoder_s=0.0, p_dropout_encoder_l=0.0, p_dropout_embedding_s=0.0, p_dropout_embedding_l=0.0, ): super().__init__(img_size, patch_size_s, in_channels, pool_s) super().__init__(img_size, patch_size_l, in_channels, pool_l) self.s = _cross_p( img_size, patch_size_s, latent_dim_s, in_channels, p_dropout_embedding_s ) self.l = _cross_p( img_size, patch_size_l, latent_dim_l, in_channels, p_dropout_embedding_l ) self.encoder = CrossEncoder( latent_dim_s, latent_dim_l, head_dim_s, head_dim_l, cross_dim_head_s, cross_dim_head_l, depth_s, depth_l, attn_heads_s, attn_heads_l, cross_head_s, cross_head_l, encoder_mlp_dim_s, encoder_mlp_dim_l, p_dropout_encoder_s, p_dropout_encoder_l, ) self.pool_s = lambda x: x.mean(dim=1) if pool_s == "mean" else x[:, 0] self.pool_l = lambda x: x.mean(dim=1) if pool_l == "mean" else x[:, 0] if decoder_config_s is not None: if not isinstance(decoder_config_s, list): decoder_config_s = list(decoder_config_s) assert ( decoder_config_s[0] == latent_dim_s ), "`latent_dim` should be equal to the first item of `decoder_config`" self.decoder_s = MLPDecoder(decoder_config_s, n_classes) else: self.decoder_s = MLPDecoder(latent_dim_s, n_classes) if decoder_config_l is not None: if not isinstance(decoder_config_l, list): decoder_config_l = list(decoder_config_l) assert ( decoder_config_l[0] == latent_dim_l ), "`latent_dim` should be equal to the first item of `decoder_config`" self.decoder_l = MLPDecoder(decoder_config_l, n_classes) else: self.decoder_l = MLPDecoder(latent_dim_l, n_classes)
[docs] def forward(self, img): """ Parameters ---------- img: torch.Tensor Input tensor Returns ---------- torch.Tensor Returns tensor of size `n_classes` """ emb_s = self.s(img) emb_l = self.l(img) emb_s, emb_l = self.encoder(emb_s, emb_l) cls_s = self.pool_s(emb_s) cls_l = self.pool_l(emb_l) n_s = self.decoder_s(cls_s) n_l = self.decoder_l(cls_l) n = n_s + n_l return n