Source code for vformer.models.classification.convit

import torch
from einops import repeat

from ...encoder import ConViTEncoder
from ...utils import MODEL_REGISTRY
from .vanilla import VanillaViT

[docs]@MODEL_REGISTRY.register() class ConViT(VanillaViT): """ Implementation of 'ConViT: Improving Vision Transformers with Soft Convolutional Inductive Biases' Parameters ---------- img_size: int Size of the image patch_size: int Size of a patch n_classes: int Number of classes for classification embedding_dim: int Dimension of hidden layer head_dim: int Dimension of the attention head depth_sa: int Number of attention layers in the encoder for self attention layers depth_gpsa: int Number of attention layers in the encoder for global positional self attention layers attn_heads_sa:int Number of the attention heads for self attention layers attn_heads_gpsa:int Number of the attention heads for global positional self attention layers encoder_mlp_dim: int Dimension of hidden layer in the encoder in_channels: int Number of input channels decoder_config: int or tuple or list, optional Configuration of the decoder. If None, the default configuration is used. pool: {"cls","mean"} Feature pooling type p_dropout_encoder: float Dropout probability in the encoder p_dropout_embedding: float Dropout probability in the embedding layer """ def __init__( self, img_size, patch_size, n_classes, embedding_dim=1024, head_dim=64, depth_sa=6, depth_gpsa=6, attn_heads_sa=16, attn_heads_gpsa=16, encoder_mlp_dim=2048, in_channels=3, decoder_config=None, pool="cls", p_dropout_encoder=0, p_dropout_embedding=0, ): super().__init__( img_size, patch_size, n_classes, embedding_dim, head_dim, depth_sa, attn_heads_sa, encoder_mlp_dim, in_channels, decoder_config, pool, p_dropout_encoder, p_dropout_embedding, ) self.encoder_gpsa = ConViTEncoder( embedding_dim, depth_gpsa, attn_heads_gpsa, head_dim, encoder_mlp_dim, p_dropout_encoder, )
[docs] def forward(self, x): """ Parameters ---------- x: torch.Tensor Input tensor Returns ---------- torch.Tensor Returns tensor of size `n_classes` """ x = self.patch_embedding(x) b, n, _ = x.shape cls_tokens = repeat(self.cls_token, "() n d -> b n d", b=b) x =, x), dim=1) x = self.pos_embedding(x) x_cls = x[:, 0:1, :] x = x[:, 1:, :] x = self.encoder_gpsa(x) x =, x), dim=1) x = self.encoder(x) x = self.pool(x) x = self.decoder(x) return x